Recent Blogs

The Best Way To Develop Shared Components

Showcasing an alternative way of sharing components between directories that would allow two-way importing.

A box resembling a components contained inside another box

Firebase - From 0 to 1

Firebase is great when going from 0 to 1, however, there are many apps and cases where Firebase simply slows you down.

low poly 3d fire symbol symbolizing the firebase logo

How To Migrate From Planetscale To Neon Tech

With Planetscale removing their free plans. Neon is the next best contender. Neon likely won't remove their free plan due to their "Scale to zero" philosophy. Let's explore how we can migrate our Planetscale database to Neon Tech

Two low poly clouds with cables between, symbolizing the exporting of data out of planetscale and into

Every Framework Has Their Good Side

In most areas there are clear winners and losers. SCSS is far better than regular CSS. Writing TypeScript is far better than writing plain JavaScript. However, many things that people debate online are equivalent.

A few different 3d shapes in a metallic room.

DO NOT Use A Custom Scrollbar

Let's talk about all the quirks added from removing the scrollbar on the document element and moving it to a custom scroll element. It may look better, but browsers don't expect it.

Elegant strips of banners of gray leading up to down.

@shadcn/ui Doesn't Look Beautiful - Why Is It Popular?

As a supporter of @shadcn/ui and Tailwind I looked back at the framework from a beginner perspective. The components don't appear magical, so why is it popular?

A 3d render of a clean button showcasing how clean @shadcn/ui is.

The Cold Start Has Been Fixed 🛠️

You might've known this site for the extreme cold starts. We'll be sharing the charts and graphics I've made to find the origin of the problem.

How to Migrate Google Domains to Cloudflare ☁️

With Google Domains officially being killed by Google, all domains held in Google Domains will be transferred to SquareSpace. It is likely SquareSpace will attempt to upsell features and won't be a nice developer experience. Which is why we are going with Cloudflare

A 3d render of an orange cloud with red, blue, green, yellow dots in the background with beautiful shadows.

Adding Attributes to Markdown It Elements

Want to ensure user's cannot exploit your link's missing nofollow attribute to promote their webpage. Want to ensure links in markdown it opens up in a new tab? Or maybe you want to add a class on all images?

2 glowing globes representing the WWW logo with flashing lines in between.

Google Maps Error: Could Not Load The Default Credentials

My step-by-step process debugging an error from Google Maps I have received while developing a side project.

A colorful voxelated earth with tons of colors in a reflective pattern.